Black Eagle Team Minishell
File: maplace.js
;(function ($, window, google, undefined) { 'use strict'; /** * Maplace.js 0.1.2c * * Copyright (c) 2013 Daniele Moraschi * Licensed under the MIT license * For all details and documentation: * * * @version 0.1.2c */ var html_dropdown, html_ullist, Maplace; //dropdown menu type html_dropdown = { activateCurrent: function (index) { this.html_element.find('select').val(index); }, getHtml: function () { var self = this, html = '', title, a; if (this.ln > 1) { html += '<select class="dropdown controls ' + this.o.controls_cssclass + '">'; if (this.ShowOnMenu(this.view_all_key)) { html += '<option value="' + this.view_all_key + '">' + this.o.view_all_text + '</option>'; } for (a = 0; a < this.ln; a += 1) { if (this.ShowOnMenu(a)) { html += '<option value="' + (a + 1) + '">' + (this.o.locations[a].title || ('#' + (a + 1))) + '</option>'; } } html += '</select>'; html = $(html).bind('change', function () { self.ViewOnMap(this.value); }); } title = this.o.controls_title; if (this.o.controls_title) { title = $('<div class="controls_title"></div>').css(this.o.controls_applycss ? { fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: this.o.controls_on_map ? '12px' : 'inherit', padding: '3px 10px 5px 0' } : {}).append(this.o.controls_title); } this.html_element = $('<div class="wrap_controls"></div>').append(title).append(html); return this.html_element; } }; //ul list menu type html_ullist = { html_a: function (i, hash, ttl) { var self = this, index = hash || (i + 1), title = ttl || this.o.locations[i].title, el_a = $('<a data-load="' + index + '" id="ullist_a_' + index + '" href="#' + index + '" title="' + title + '"><span>' + (title || ('#' + (i + 1))) + '</span></a>'); el_a.css(this.o.controls_applycss ? { color: '#666', display: 'block', padding: '5px', fontSize: this.o.controls_on_map ? '12px' : 'inherit', textDecoration: 'none' } : {}); el_a.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var i = $(this).attr('data-load'); self.ViewOnMap(i); }); return el_a; }, activateCurrent: function (index) { this.html_element.find('li').removeClass('active'); this.html_element.find('#ullist_a_' + index).parent().addClass('active'); }, getHtml: function () { var html = $("<ul class='ullist controls " + this.o.controls_cssclass + "'></ul>").css(this.o.controls_applycss ? { margin: 0, padding: 0, listStyleType: 'none' } : {}), title, a; if (this.ShowOnMenu(this.view_all_key)) { html.append($('<li></li>').append(, false, this.view_all_key, this.o.view_all_text))); } for (a = 0; a < this.ln; a++) { if (this.ShowOnMenu(a)) { html.append($('<li></li>').append(, a))); } } title = this.o.controls_title; if (this.o.controls_title) { title = $('<div class="controls_title"></div>').css(this.o.controls_applycss ? { fontWeight: 'bold', padding: '3px 10px 5px 0', fontSize: this.o.controls_on_map ? '12px' : 'inherit' } : {}).append(this.o.controls_title); } this.html_element = $('<div class="wrap_controls"></div>').append(title).append(html); return this.html_element; } }; Maplace = (function () { /** * Create a new instance * @class Maplace * @constructor */ function Maplace(args) { this.VERSION = '0.1.2'; this.errors = []; this.loaded = false; = true; this.markers = []; this.oMap = false; this.view_all_key = 'all'; this.infowindow = null; this.ln = 0; this.oMap = false; this.oBounds = null; this.map_div = null; this.canvas_map = null; this.controls_wrapper = null; this.current_control = null; this.current_index = null; this.Polyline = null; this.Polygon = null; this.Fusion = null; this.directionsService = null; this.directionsDisplay = null; //default options this.o = { map_div: '#gmap', controls_div: '#controls', generate_controls: true, controls_type: 'dropdown', controls_cssclass: '', controls_title: '', controls_on_map: true, controls_applycss: true, controls_position: google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_TOP, type: 'marker', view_all: true, view_all_text: 'View All', start: 0, locations: [], commons: {}, map_options: { mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, zoom: 1 }, stroke_options: { strokeColor: '#0000FF', strokeOpacity: 0.8, strokeWeight: 2, fillColor: '#0000FF', fillOpacity: 0.4 }, directions_options: { travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING, unitSystem: google.maps.UnitSystem.METRIC, optimizeWaypoints: false, provideRouteAlternatives: false, avoidHighways: false, avoidTolls: false }, styles: {}, fusion_options: {}, directions_panel: null, draggable: false, show_infowindows: true, show_markers: true, infowindow_type: 'bubble', listeners: {}, //events beforeViewAll: function () {}, afterViewAll: function () {}, beforeShow: function (index, location, marker) {}, afterShow: function (index, location, marker) {}, afterCreateMarker: function (index, location, marker) {}, beforeCloseInfowindow: function (index, location) {}, afterCloseInfowindow: function (index, location) {}, beforeOpenInfowindow: function (index, location, marker) {}, afterOpenInfowindow: function (index, location, marker) {}, afterRoute: function (distance, status, result) {}, onPolylineClick: function (obj) {} }; //default menu types this.AddControl('dropdown', html_dropdown); this.AddControl('list', html_ullist); //init $.extend(true, this.o, args); } //where to store the menu types Maplace.prototype.controls = {}; //initialize google map object Maplace.prototype.create_objMap = function () { var self = this, count = 0, i; //if styled for (i in this.o.styles) { if (this.o.styles.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (count === 0) { this.o.map_options.mapTypeControlOptions = { mapTypeIds: [google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP] }; } count++; this.o.map_options.mapTypeControlOptions.mapTypeIds.push('map_style_' + count); } } //if init if (!this.loaded) { try { this.map_div.css({ position: 'relative', overflow: 'hidden' }); //create the container div into map_div this.canvas_map = $('<div>').addClass('canvas_map').css({ width: '100%', height: '100%' }).appendTo(this.map_div); this.oMap = new google.maps.Map(this.canvas_map.get(0), this.o.map_options); } catch (err) { this.errors.push(err.toString()); } } else { //else loads the new options self.oMap.setOptions(this.o.map_options); } //if styled count = 0; for (i in this.o.styles) { if (this.o.styles.hasOwnProperty(i)) { count++; this.oMap.mapTypes.set('map_style_' + count, new google.maps.StyledMapType(this.o.styles[i], { name: i })); this.oMap.setMapTypeId('map_style_' + count); } } this.debug('01'); }; //adds markers to the map Maplace.prototype.add_markers_to_objMap = function () { var a, type = this.o.type || 'marker'; //switch how to display the locations switch (type) { case 'marker': for (a = 0; a < this.ln; a++) {, a); } break; default: this.create[type].apply(this); break; } }; //wrapper for the map types Maplace.prototype.create = { //single marker marker: function (index) { var self = this, point = this.o.locations[index], html = point.html || '', marker, a, point_infow, image_w, image_h, latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(, point.lon), orig_visible = point.visible === false ? false : true; $.extend(point, { position: latlng, map: this.oMap, zIndex: 10000, //temp visible property visible: (this.o.show_markers === false ? false : orig_visible) }); if (point.image) { image_w = point.image_w || 32; image_h = point.image_h || 32; $.extend(point, { icon: new google.maps.MarkerImage(point.image, new google.maps.Size(image_w, image_h), new google.maps.Point(0, 0), new google.maps.Point(image_w / 2, image_h / 2)) }); } //create the marker and add click event marker = new google.maps.Marker(point); a = google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function () { self.o.beforeShow(index, point, marker); //show infowindow? point_infow = point.show_infowindows === false ? false : true; if (self.o.show_infowindows && point_infow) { self.open_infowindow(index, marker); } //pan and zoom the map self.oMap.panTo(latlng); point.zoom && self.oMap.setZoom(point.zoom); //activate related menu link if (self.current_control && self.o.generate_controls && self.current_control.activateCurrent) {, index + 1); } //update current location index self.current_index = index; self.o.afterShow(index, point, marker); }); //extends bounds with this location this.oBounds.extend(latlng); //store the new marker this.markers.push(marker); this.o.afterCreateMarker(index, point, marker); //restore the visible property point.visible = orig_visible; return marker; }, //polyline mode polyline: function () { var self = this, a, latlng, path = []; //create the path and location marker for (a = 0; a < this.ln; a++) { latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(this.o.locations[a].lat, this.o.locations[a].lon); path.push(latlng);, a); } $.extend(this.o.stroke_options, { path: path, map: this.oMap }); this.Polyline ? this.Polyline.setOptions(this.o.stroke_options) : this.Polyline = new google.maps.Polyline(this.o.stroke_options); }, //polygon mode polygon: function () { var self = this, a, latlng, path = []; //create the path and location marker for (a = 0; a < this.ln; a++) { latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(this.o.locations[a].lat, this.o.locations[a].lon); path.push(latlng);, a); } $.extend(this.o.stroke_options, { paths: path, editable: this.o.draggable, map: this.oMap }); this.Polygon ? this.Polygon.setOptions(this.o.stroke_options) : this.Polygon = new google.maps.Polygon(this.o.stroke_options); google.maps.event.addListener(this.Polygon, 'click', function (obj) { self.o.onPolylineClick(obj); }); }, //fusion tables fusion: function () { $.extend(this.o.fusion_options, { styles: [this.o.stroke_options], map: this.oMap }); this.Fusion ? this.Fusion.setOptions(this.o.fusion_options) : this.Fusion = new google.maps.FusionTablesLayer(this.o.fusion_options); }, //directions mode directions: function () { var self = this, a, stopover, latlng, origin, destination, waypoints = [], distance = 0; //create the waypoints and location marker for (a = 0; a < this.ln; a++) { latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(this.o.locations[a].lat, this.o.locations[a].lon); //first location start point if (a === 0) { origin = latlng; } else if (a === (this.ln - 1)) { //last location end point destination = latlng; } else { //waypoints in the middle stopover = this.o.locations[a].stopover === true ? true : false; waypoints.push({ location: latlng, stopover: stopover }); }, a); } $.extend(this.o.directions_options, { origin: origin, destination: destination, waypoints: waypoints }); this.directionsService || (this.directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService()); this.directionsDisplay ? this.directionsDisplay.setOptions({ draggable: this.o.draggable }) : this.directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer({ draggable: this.o.draggable }); this.directionsDisplay.setMap(this.oMap); //show the directions panel if (this.o.directions_panel) { this.o.directions_panel = $(this.o.directions_panel); this.directionsDisplay.setPanel(this.o.directions_panel.get(0)); } if (this.o.draggable) { google.maps.event.addListener(this.directionsDisplay, 'directions_changed', function () { distance = self.compute_distance(self.directionsDisplay.directions); self.o.afterRoute(distance); }); } this.directionsService.route(this.o.directions_options, function (result, status) { //when directions found if (status === google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) { distance = self.compute_distance(result); self.directionsDisplay.setDirections(result); } self.o.afterRoute(distance, status, result); }); } }; //route distance Maplace.prototype.compute_distance = function (result) { var total = 0, i, myroute = result.routes[0], rlen = myroute.legs.length; for (i = 0; i < rlen; i++) { total += myroute.legs[i].distance.value; } return total; }; //wrapper for the infowindow types Maplace.prototype.type_to_open = { //google default infowindow bubble: function (location) { this.infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: location.html || '' }); } }; //open the infowindow Maplace.prototype.open_infowindow = function (index, marker) { //close if any open this.CloseInfoWindow(); var point = this.o.locations[index], type = point.type || this.o.infowindow_type; //show if content and valid infowindow type provided if (point.html && this.type_to_open[type]) { this.o.beforeOpenInfowindow(index, point, marker); this.type_to_open[type].call(this, point);, marker); this.o.afterOpenInfowindow(index, point, marker); } }; //gets the html for the menu Maplace.prototype.get_html_controls = function () { if (this.controls[this.o.controls_type] && this.controls[this.o.controls_type].getHtml) { this.current_control = this.controls[this.o.controls_type]; return this.current_control.getHtml.apply(this); } return ''; }; //creates the controls menu Maplace.prototype.generate_controls = function () { //append menu on the div container if (!this.o.controls_on_map) { this.controls_wrapper.empty(); this.controls_wrapper.append(this.get_html_controls()); return; } //else //controls in map var cntr = $('<div class="on_gmap ' + this.o.controls_type + ' gmap_controls"></div>').css(this.o.controls_applycss ? { margin: '5px' } : {}), inner = $(this.get_html_controls()).css(this.o.controls_applycss ? { background: '#fff', padding: '5px', border: '1px solid rgb(113,123,135)', boxShadow: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4) 0px 2px 4px', maxHeight: this.map_div.find('.canvas_map').outerHeight() - 80, minWidth: 100, overflowY: 'auto', overflowX: 'hidden' } : {}); cntr.append(inner); //attach controls this.oMap.controls[this.o.controls_position].push(cntr.get(0)); }; //resets obj map, markers, bounds, listeners, controllers Maplace.prototype.init_map = function () { var self = this, i = 0; this.Polyline && this.Polyline.setMap(null); this.Polygon && this.Polygon.setMap(null); this.Fusion && this.Fusion.setMap(null); this.directionsDisplay && this.directionsDisplay.setMap(null); if (this.markers) { for (i in this.markers) { if (this.markers[i]) { try { this.markers[i].setMap(null); } catch (err) { self.errors.push(err); } } } this.markers.length = 0; this.markers = []; } if (this.o.controls_on_map && this.oMap.controls) { this.oMap.controls[this.o.controls_position].forEach(function (element, index) { try { self.oMap.controls[this.o.controls_position].removeAt(index); } catch (err) { self.errors.push(err); } }); } this.oBounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); this.debug('02'); }; //perform the first view of the map Maplace.prototype.perform_load = function () { //one location if (this.ln === 1) { if (this.o.map_options.set_center) { this.oMap.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(this.o.map_options.set_center[0], this.o.map_options.set_center[1])); } else { this.oMap.setCenter(this.markers[0].getPosition()); this.ViewOnMap(1); } } else if (this.ln === 0) { //no locations if (this.o.map_options.set_center) { this.oMap.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(this.o.map_options.set_center[0], this.o.map_options.set_center[1])); } else { this.oMap.fitBounds(this.oBounds); } this.oMap.setZoom(this.o.map_options.zoom); } else { //n locations this.oMap.fitBounds(this.oBounds); //check the start option if (typeof (this.o.start - 0) === 'number' && this.o.start > 0 && this.o.start <= this.ln) { this.ViewOnMap(this.o.start); } else { this.ViewOnMap(this.view_all_key); } } }; Maplace.prototype.debug = function (msg) { if ( && this.errors.length) { console.log(msg + ': ', this.errors); } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //adds a custom menu to the class Maplace.prototype.AddControl = function (name, func) { if (!name || !func) { return false; } this.controls[name] = func; return true; }; //close the infowindow Maplace.prototype.CloseInfoWindow = function () { if (this.infowindow && (this.current_index || this.current_index === 0)) { this.o.beforeCloseInfowindow(this.current_index, this.o.locations[this.current_index]); this.infowindow.close(); this.infowindow = null; this.o.afterCloseInfowindow(this.current_index, this.o.locations[this.current_index]); } }; //checks if a location has to be in menu Maplace.prototype.ShowOnMenu = function (index) { if (index === this.view_all_key && this.o.view_all && this.ln > 1) { return true; } index = parseInt(index, 10); if (typeof (index - 0) === 'number' && index >= 0 && index < this.ln) { var visible = this.o.locations[index].visible === false ? false : true, on_menu = this.o.locations[index].on_menu === false ? false : true; if (visible && on_menu) { return true; } } return false; }; //triggers to show a location in map Maplace.prototype.ViewOnMap = function (index) { //view all if (index === this.view_all_key) { this.o.beforeViewAll(); this.current_index = index; if (this.o.locations.length > 0 && this.o.generate_controls && this.current_control && this.current_control.activateCurrent) { this.current_control.activateCurrent.apply(this, [index]); } this.oMap.fitBounds(this.oBounds); this.CloseInfoWindow(); this.o.afterViewAll(); } else { //specific location index = parseInt(index, 10); if (typeof (index - 0) === 'number' && index > 0 && index <= this.ln) { try { google.maps.event.trigger(this.markers[index - 1], 'click'); } catch (err) { this.errors.push(err.toString()); } } } this.debug('03'); }; //replace current locations Maplace.prototype.SetLocations = function (locs, reload) { this.o.locations = locs; reload && this.Load(); }; //adds one or more locations to the end of the array Maplace.prototype.AddLocations = function (locs, reload) { var self = this; if ($.isArray(locs)) { $.each(locs, function (index, value) { self.o.locations.push(value); }); } if ($.isPlainObject(locs)) { this.o.locations.push(locs); } reload && this.Load(); }; //adds a location at the specific index Maplace.prototype.AddLocation = function (location, index, reload) { var self = this; if ($.isPlainObject(location)) { this.o.locations.splice(index, 0, location); } reload && this.Load(); }; //remove one or more locations Maplace.prototype.RemoveLocations = function (locs, reload) { var self = this, k = 0; if ($.isArray(locs)) { $.each(locs, function (index, value) { if ((value - k) < self.ln) { self.o.locations.splice(value-k, 1); } k++; }); } else { if (locs < this.ln) { this.o.locations.splice(locs, 1); } } reload && this.Load(); }; //check if already initialized with a Load() Maplace.prototype.Loaded = function () { return this.loaded; }; //loads the options Maplace.prototype._init = function () { //store the locations length this.ln = this.o.locations.length; //update all locations with commons for (var i = 0; i < this.ln; i++) { $.extend(this.o.locations[i], this.o.commons); if(this.o.locations[i].html) { this.o.locations[i].html = this.o.locations[i].html.replace('%index', i+1); this.o.locations[i].html = this.o.locations[i].html.replace('%title', (this.o.locations[i].title || '')); } } //store dom references this.map_div = $(this.o.map_div); this.controls_wrapper = $(this.o.controls_div); }; //creates the map and menu Maplace.prototype.Load = function (args) { $.extend(true, this.o, args); args && args.locations && (this.o.locations = args.locations); this._init(); //reset/init google map objects this.o.visualRefresh === false ? (google.maps.visualRefresh = false) : (google.maps.visualRefresh = true); this.init_map(); this.create_objMap(); //add markers this.add_markers_to_objMap(); //generate controls if ((this.ln > 1 && this.o.generate_controls) || this.o.force_generate_controls) { this.o.generate_controls = true; this.generate_controls(); } else { this.o.generate_controls = false; } var self = this; //first call if (!this.loaded) { google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(this.oMap, 'idle', function () { self.perform_load(); }); //adapt the div size on resize google.maps.event.addListener(this.oMap, 'resize', function () { self.canvas_map.css({ width: self.map_div.width(), height: self.map_div.height() }); }); //add custom listeners var i; for (i in this.o.listeners) { var map = this.oMap, myListener = this.o.listeners[i]; if (this.o.listeners.hasOwnProperty(i)) { google.maps.event.addListener(this.oMap, i, function (event) { myListener(map, event); }); } } } //any other calls else { this.perform_load(); } this.loaded = true; }; return Maplace; })(); if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) { define(function() { return Maplace; }); } else { window.Maplace = Maplace; } })(jQuery, this, google);
2020 Black Eagle Team